西安交通大学 电子科学与工程学院 电子物理与器件教育部重点实验室,西安 710049
粒子模拟 三维柱坐标 网格剖分 射线跟踪 共形技术 particle-in-cell simulation three-dimensional cylindrical coordinate system grid generation ray-tracing conformal technique 
2024, 36(4): 043025
张蕾 1石岩 1,*卢文雍 1徐睿 1[ ... ]占春连 1
1 中国计量大学 光学与电子科技学院,浙江杭州3008
2 浙江视觉智能创新中心有限公司,浙江杭州31115
3 浙江省北大信息技术高等研究院,浙江杭州11215
为了解决结构光三维重建中传统立体匹配存在的特征点匹配错误、匹配缺失和匹配重复等问题,本文将SURF算法中高斯滤波改进为自适应中值滤波结合小波变换,并提出了一种基于OKG算法的二次特征匹配方法。该算法首先使用自适应中值滤波结合小波变换算法对图像进行平滑和降噪处理,再进行初步特征点提取和匹配,然后将构建的尺度空间划分成多个网格,在每个网格内使用FAST算法提取尺度空间特征点,使用ORB算子提取左右图像的特征点,用BRIEF描述子对其进行描述,采用K-D树最近邻搜索法限制特征点选取,通过GMS算法剔除误匹配点。最后,将本文SURF-OKG算法与传统特征匹配算法进行对比分析,并对阶梯块进行三维重建来验证本文算法的有效性。实验结果表明:SURF-OKG算法的正确匹配率为92.47%;对阶梯宽度为40 mm,精度为0.02 mm的阶梯块进行三维重建,实验测得阶梯宽度的误差均值为1.312 mm,最大误差值不超过1.72 mm,基本满足结构光三维重建系统的实验要求。
三维重建 特征点匹配 SURF算法 SURF-OKG算法 阶梯块 3D reconstruction feature point matching Speeded-Up Robust Feature(SURF) algorithm SURF-OKG algorithm step blocks 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(6): 915
1 山西大学 激光光谱研究所 量子光学与光量子器件国家重点实验室, 山西 太原 030006
2 山西大学 极端光学协同创新中心, 山西 太原 030006
3 中石油化工股份有限公司石油化工科学研究院, 北京 100083
4 中国兵器科学研究院, 北京 100089
5 山西新华防化装备研究院有限公司, 山西 太原 030041
6 西安工业大学 光电工程学院, 陕西 西安 710021
7 山西格盟中美清洁能源研发中心有限公司, 山西 太原 030032
为了消除激光诱导击穿光谱技术(laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,LIBS)中的自吸收效应,提高元素定量分析的精确度,同时满足工业中便捷分析元素的要求,需将自吸收免疫激光诱导击穿光谱技术(self-absorption free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,SAF-LIBS)的装置小型化。本文提出了一项新型的高重频声光门控SAF-LIBS定量分析技术,使用高重频激光器产生准连续的等离子体以增强光谱强度,并将声光调制器(acousto-optic modulator,AOM)作为门控开关,从而使微型CCD光谱仪和AOM能够代替传统大型SAF-LIBS装置中的像增强探测器(intensified charge coupled device,ICCD)和中阶梯型光栅光谱仪,实现自吸收免疫的同时缩小了装置的体积,降低了装置的成本。将该系统参数进行优化选择后,对样品中的Al元素进行了定量分析和预测。实验结果表明,等离子体的特性受激光重复频率的影响进而会影响光谱信号的强度。在1 ~ 50 kHz激光重复频率范围内,Al I 394.4 nm和Al I 396.15 nm的双线强度先增强后减弱,确定最佳的激光重复频率为10 kHz。在不同的光纤采集角度下,Al的双线强度比随延迟时间的增加而减小,在45°处信噪比最高,且在一定的积分时间下,最佳光学薄时间tot为426 ns。在激光重复频率为10 kHz、光纤采集角为45°、延迟时间为400 ns的条件下,对Al元素进行定量分析和预测结果表明,Al元素定标曲线的线性度R2为0.982,平均绝对测量误差相对于单一LIBS的0.8%可以降低至0.18%。定量分析结果与传统大型SAF-LIBS装置的测量精度相持平。因此本高重频声光门控SAF-LIBS装置不仅有效地屏蔽了光学厚等离子体中的连续背景辐射和谱线加宽,同时具备小型化、低成本、高可靠性的优点,有助于推动SAF-LIBS技术由实验室走向工业应用。
激光诱导击穿光谱 自吸收免疫 光学薄 高重频激光器 声光门控 laser-induced breakdown and spectroscopy self-absorption free optically thin high repetition rate laser acousto-optic gating 
2024, 17(2): 253
张蕾 1,2,*高建河 2黄莎 2张玉安 2[ ... ]徐红春 2
1 武汉邮电科学研究院,武汉 430074
2 武汉光迅科技股份有限公司,武汉 430205

为了应对不断增长的超千兆需求,从千兆走向万兆,从第五代固定网络(F5G)走向高级第五代固定网络(F5.5G),50 Gbit/s无源光网络(PON)被认为是F5.5G的重要组成部分。故文章针对当前接入网络发展状况,对50 Gbit/s PON技术进行了深入研究。


文章首先介绍了实现50 Gbit/s PON高灵敏度面临的困难,并提出了解决方案。方案中,50 Gbit/s的非归零(NRZ)信号通过雪崩光电二极管(Avalanche Photodiode,APD)探测器,在强电场的作用下形成可被检测到的宏观电流,该电流通过跨阻放大器(TIA)放大并转换成电压输出。对其进行均衡处理,采用光数字信号处理(oDSP)芯片的前馈均衡器(FFE)和判决反馈均衡器(DFE)对脉冲信号的拖尾现象进行补偿后,再通过DFE将码间干扰的影响降到最低。接着重点分析了APD、TIA和oDSP等关键技术,并采用25与50 Gbit/s APD对接收性能进行比较。


两组实验测试结果显示,第1组实验25 Gbit/s APD在测试时间4 min内接收信号无误码,接收光功率为-8.48 dBm,当误码率(BER)为2.78e-2时,接收光功率达-26.61 dBm;在使用50 Gbit/s APD的情况下,4 min内接收信号无误码时,接收光功率为-8.97 dBm。当BER为2.78e-2时,接收光功率达到-27.05 dBm,第2组数据50 Gbit/s APD-2也达到了同样的实验效果。


50 Gbit/s APD接收灵敏度更高,性能更好,更适合使用在50 Gbit/s PON光模块中实现高性能接收。最后文章针对未来降成本方案在均衡技术与APD上的应用提出了可行性分析。

50 Gbit/s无源光网络 雪崩光电二极管 光数字信号处理 跨阻放大器 高性能接收 50 Gbit/s PON APD oDSP TIA high sensitivity reception 
2024, 50(1): 23015001
长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春 130033
为解决传统柔性支撑中小口径空间反射镜组件热稳定性与结构刚度间的矛盾,提出了一种新型刚性支撑结构,并为某高分辨率空间相机研制了通光口径?214 mm的高精度次镜组件。采用“镜体-锥套-支撑筒-刚性基板”组合,通过延长、优化热应力在组件内部的传递路径实现了消热目的。刚性支撑次镜组件重2.6 kg、4 ℃均匀温升工况下面形变化均方根(RMS)仿真值为2.573 nm,装调重力工况下镜体倾角和位移分别为2.028″、0.566 μm,与传统柔性支撑方案相比具有突出的优势。实测次镜的面形精度RMS为0.0181λλ=632.8 nm),在16 ℃及24 ℃时次镜面形变化量不超过0.0025λ;组件基频达到502.1 Hz,在快速高低温循环及大量级振动后次镜面形基本维持不变;装配容差测试中,次镜在0.02 mm不平度的作用下仅发生微弱变形。刚性支撑结构可以显著提升中小口径反射镜工作性能,在遥感器光机结构研制领域内具有广阔的应用前景。
空间光学 反射镜 刚性支撑 消热 面形精度稳定性 
2024, 61(5): 0522005
Jianbin Zhang 1†Hubiao Fang 1Pan Wang 1,2Wei Fang 1,2[ ... ]Limin Tong 1,2,3,*
Author Affiliations
1 Interdisciplinary Center for Quantum Information, New Cornerstone Science Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Extreme Photonics and Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
2 Jiaxing Key Laboratory of Photonic Sensing & Intelligent Imaging, Intelligent Optics & Photonics Research Center, Jiaxing Research Institute Zhejiang University, Jiaxing, China
3 Collaborative Innovation Center of Extreme Optics, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China
An optical micro/nanofiber (MNF) is a quasi-one-dimensional free-standing optical waveguide with a diameter close to or less than the vacuum wavelength of light. Combining the tiny geometry with high-refractive-index contrast between the core and the surrounding, the MNF exhibits favorable optical properties such as tight optical confinement, strong evanescent field, and large-diameter-dependent waveguide dispersion. Meanwhile, as a quasi-one-dimensional structure with extraordinarily high geometric and structural uniformity, the MNF also has low optical loss and high mechanical strength, making it favorable for manipulating light on the micro/nanoscale with high flexibility. Over the past two decades, optical MNFs, typically being operated in single mode, have been emerging as a miniaturized fiber-optic platform for both scientific research and technological applications. In this paper, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the representative advances in optical MNFs in recent years. Starting from the basic structures and fabrication techniques of the optical MNFs, we highlight linear and nonlinear optical and mechanical properties of the MNFs. Then, we introduce typical applications of optical MNFs from near-field optics, passive optical components, optical sensors, and optomechanics to fiber lasers and atom optics. Finally, we give a brief summary of the current status of MNF optics and technology, and provide an outlook into future challenges and opportunities.
micro/nanofibers fabrication optical properties mechanical properties optical applications 
Photonics Insights
2024, 3(1): R02
Author Affiliations
1 School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
2 Changfei Optical Fiber and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company, Wuhan 430073, China
3 Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210000, China
We experimentally transmit eight wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) channels, 16 quadratic-amplitude-modulation (QAM) signals at 32-GBaud, over 1000 km few mode fiber (FMF). In this experiment, we use WDM, mode division multiplexing, and polarization multiplexing for signal transmission. Through the multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) equalization algorithms, we achieve the total line transmission rate of 4.096 Tbit/s. The results prove that the bit error rates (BERs) for the 16QAM signals after 1000 km FMF transmission are below the soft-decision forward-error-correction (SD-FEC) threshold of 2.4×10-2, and the net rate reaches 3.413 Tbit/s. Our proposed system provides a reference for the future development of high-capacity communication.
optical fiber communication mode division multiplexing few-mode fiber multiple-input–multiple-output high-capacity transmission long-distance transmission 
Chinese Optics Letters
2024, 22(1): 010602
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Information Acquisition and Manipulation, Ministry of Education, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China
2 Information Materials and Intelligent Sensing Laboratory of Anhui Province, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China
An imperfect propagation environment or optical system would introduce wavefront aberrations to vortex beams. The phase aberrations and orbital angular momentum in a vortex beam are proved to be mutually restrictive in parameter measurement. Aberrations make traditional topological charge (TC) probing methods ineffective while the phase singularity makes phase retrieval difficult due to the aliasing between the wrapped phase jump and the vortex phase jump. An interactive probing method is proposed to make measurements of the aberrated phase and orbital angular momentum in a vortex beam assist rather than hinder each other. The phase unwrapping is liberated from the phase singularity by an annular shearing interference technique while the TC value is determined by a Moiré technique immune to aberrations. Simulation and experimental results proving the method effective are presented. It is of great significance to judge the characteristics of vortex beams passing through non-ideal environments and optical systems.
Photonics Research
2024, 12(1): 172
Author Affiliations
1 Research Center for Humanoid Sensing, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 311100, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Friction plays a critical role in dexterous robotic manipulation. However, realizing friction sensing remains a challenge due to the difficulty in designing sensing structures to decouple multi-axial forces. Inspired by the topological mechanics of knots, we construct optical fiber knot (OFN) sensors for slip detection and friction measurement. By introducing localized self-contacts along the fiber, the knot structure enables anisotropic responses to normal and frictional forces. By employing OFNs and a change point detection algorithm, we demonstrate adaptive robotic grasping of slipping cups. We further develop a robotic finger that can measure tri-axial forces via a centrosymmetric architecture composed of five OFNs. Such a tactile finger allows a robotic hand to manipulate human tools dexterously. This work could provide a straightforward and cost-effective strategy for promoting adaptive grasping, dexterous manipulation, and human-robot interaction with tactile sensing.
robotic perception adaptive grasping slip detection force decoupling polymer optical fiber 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2023, 6(10): 230076
中国人民解放军63963部队, 北京 100072
受限于材料和制造工艺, 红外图像中普遍存在着条纹非均匀性, 其严重影响了图像的成像效果, 进而对后续的目标识别、检测等工作造成干扰。典型的最小均方误差(LMS)算法在一定程度上可以抑制条纹非均匀性, 但其场景适应性差, 存在拖尾和“鬼影”现象。提出一种改进型的最小均方误差(LMS)自适应滤波算法对图像进行处理, 利用双边滤波和最速下降法快速获取准确的校正参数, 将前一帧算出的校正结果作为后一帧的初始输入值, 提升算法的准确性, 同时算法还增加了边缘检测模块以保留图像细节。采用不同场景下非制冷型探测器的真实红外图像, 从主观和客观两个方面对比了本算法和经典LMS算法, 结果表明, 提出的算法可以很好地保护图像细节, 也具有良好的场景适应性。
红外图像 条纹非均匀性 最小均方误差 边缘检测 自适应滤波 infrared thermal image stripe nonuniformity least-mean-square error edge detection adaptive filtering 
2023, 21(6): 0014

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